import math
def res(x, y):
Reduces large number to a more manageable number
>>> res(5, 7)
>>> res(0, 5)
>>> res(3, 0)
>>> res(-1, 5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: math domain error
if 0 not in (x, y):
return y * math.log10(x)
if x == 0:
return 0
elif y == 0:
return 1
raise AssertionError("This should never happen")
if __name__ == "__main__":
prompt = "Enter the base and the power separated by a comma: "
x1, y1 = map(int, input(prompt).split(","))
x2, y2 = map(int, input(prompt).split(","))
res1 = res(x1, y1)
res2 = res(x2, y2)
if res1 > res2:
print("Largest number is", x1, "^", y1)
elif res2 > res1:
print("Largest number is", x2, "^", y2)
print("Both are equal")